Tongue Coral: Green

Polyphyllia sp.

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Tongue Coral: Green

Tongue Coral: Green

Polyphyllia sp.

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Tongue Coral: Green Care Facts

Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Aggressive
Diet: ~
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Minimum Tank Size: ~
Acclimation Time: 2+ hours
Reef Safe: Yes
Coral Safe: Yes
Invertebrate Safe: Yes
Lighting: High
Placement: Bottom
Waterflow: Low to Moderate
The Tongue Coral, Polyphyllia sp., also known as the Mole Coral, Slipper Coral, Green Tongue Coral, or Hairy Tongue Coral, lies low and flat on the aquarium bed resembling a tongue. It requires calcium, strontium, and trace element supplements to ensure that its calcareous skeleton is able to grow. It is a solitary, aggresssive coral with short stinging tentacles with white tips that pack a powerful punch so be careful when handling and don't place near other corals. The Tongue Coral requires strong lighting and a low to moderate waterflow while being placed on the bottom of the tank over a sandy substrate. The sand is necessary as a hard surface can damage the coral. It is a locomotive coral so plenty of tank space should be had for this coral. The Tongue Coral is active and one of the most interesting coral species in our stock. 

The specimen I received was 4" long and nearly 2" wide, and very healthy. It expanded fully within an hour and readily accepts food of any kind. The only problem I'm running into keeping in on sandy substrate is my sleeper banded goby keeps covering it with sand. Great value if you can get it on sale here.

Reviewed by: Drrew on May 5, 2015

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