Mushroom - Blue / Purple

Discosoma sp. w/Scleractinia sp.

(1 Reviews)

Mushroom - Blue / Purple

Mushroom - Blue / Purple

Discosoma sp. w/Scleractinia sp.

(1 Reviews)

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Mushroom - Blue / Purple Care Facts

Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Filter Feeder
Reef Safe: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 50 Gallons
Max Size:
Lighting: Low to Moderate
Placement: Bottom to Middle
Waterflow: Low to Moderate
Mushroom Corals, Discosoma nummiformis., are often incredibly colorful coral that resembles what we think of as a terrestrial mushroom. Different from many corals, Mushroom Corals require less light. Some Mushrooms are capable of absorbing nutrients directly from the water column and can be voracious and aggressive eaters even devouring small fish at times. It is advised to leave plenty of space between in and other corals as well. In general, Mushroom Corals require moderate water flow and moderate lighting and to be held in a reef aquarium. 
These corals can propagate quite quickly in the home aquarium so be prepared with plenty of space for it to grow. These corals look especially amazing under actinic lighting so keep this in mind while preparing your tank. Sometimes Mushroom Corals will close up after being introduced to the tank but have patience as they will reopen once they have acclimatized. Mushroom Corals are generally easy to care for making them great additions to any type of home aquarium. 

The specimen that I received had 6 small but pretty mushrooms on it. They are doing very well and one has already split. In my tank they are purple. No hint of blue at all. I am going to be changing some of my lighting and hopefully this will help bring out the blue that I was looking for.

Reviewed by: Holly Weiland on May 3, 2016

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