Nitrate Eliminating Pack! $59.99 + FREE shipping on entire order when you use code: freeship

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Nitrate Eliminating Pack! $59.99 + FREE shipping on entire order when you use code: freeship
Nitrate Eliminating Pack! $59.99 + FREE shipping on entire order when you use code: freeship
Nitrate Eliminating Pack! $59.99 + FREE shipping on entire order when you use code: freeship
Nitrate Eliminating Pack! $59.99 + FREE shipping on entire order when you use code: freeship
Nitrate Eliminating Pack! $59.99 + FREE shipping on entire order when you use code: freeship

Nitrate Eliminating Pack! $59.99 + FREE shipping on entire order when you use code: freeship

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Nitrate Eliminating Pack! $59.99 + FREE shipping on entire order when you use code: freeship Care Facts

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The Cleaner Clam, Mercenaria mercenaria, is a durable, beneficial, and functional addition to any tank. They are diligent water-cleansers and algae-eaters. Cleaner clams are essential members of any janitorial crew. They do not require light as they will spend much of their time burrowed under a sandy substrate. 

The Red Graciliaria Macroalgae is a reddish transparent alga that is a natural food source for herbivorous fish. The Red Graciliaria Macroalgae is the favorite food for tangs, angelfishes, and makes a valuable addition to any reef tank. They require nutrition and lighting, and therefore additional supplements help in their continued growth. They are widely distributed, aquacultured and harvested in the United States. The Red Graciliaria Macroalgae is a hardy, sub-tidal red algae that attaches to limestone or occasionally to basalt substrates. If it is to be added in the tank for feeding purposes and requires in large quantities, it is best to grow this Red Graciliaria Macroalgae in a refugium or in a separate tank. For its growth it requires a 12 hour lighting schedule with a 23 watt 6.5K bulb in a 5 gallon bucket. Also, Nitrates of 20ppm and phosphates of 1 ppm are required. Not only this, it is very important to change the water on every harvest to replenish any elements that may have been taken up by the macroalgae. It is a very healthy as well as effective food for tangs and other fishes - they just love it. It can be placed anywhere in the aquarium, and sometimes in the rock work it would start taking root and grow, if provided with proper lighting and water conditions. The Chaeto is widely regarded for its filtering capabilities. It is basically green macroalgae that are extremely hard and can be kept by novice aquarists. The Chaeto doesn?t disintegrate in the tank, due to low lighting and low nutrients. Its propagation is very easy, as it can be kept and grown anywhere. The only thing it requires is the proper illumination, such as 2 watts per gallon, and that will help the Chaeto to grow faster. The presence of the Chaeto helps reducing phosphates and nitrates as well as other nutrients. Being extremely hardy, this Chaeto will thrive in many various conditions. As it cannot get attached with rocks present there, it can easily be harvested and removed if required. Unlike Caulerpa species of macro-algae, the Chaeto does not undergo sexual reproduction and release the nitrates back into the system causing a sudden crash. Also, this microalga is a great habitat for micro fauna such as Copepods and Amphipods to reside and populate.The Shaving Brush grows in sandy substrates and possess rhizoidal ?root balls? or holdfast. It is hardy in nature and well known for its filtration capabilities. The Shaving Brush resembles a brush used for applying cream, thus it is named as shaving brush plant. It features elongated stalk and green grass like upward branches. The Shaving Brush incorporates a hard Calcium Carbonate skeleton within its living tissue. It is easy to maintain and do not need any special attention. The supplements of calcium and iron can be added to improve its overall health and growth. It helps in controlling excess nutrients in almost any marine or reef aquarium. It is advisable to keep the aquarium well illuminated for its proper growth, so that they have enough energy to prepare the food through photosynthesis.The Shaving Brush has many thin leaves and these give a feathered look to it. It is well-suited for refugium and modified sumps. Most herbivorous fish do not feed on this plant, but some sea urchins may uproot and consume these species.Sea Lettuce Ulva is a thin and flat green-colored algae that is best for keeping in the aquarium to feed herbivores and copepods. Sea Lettuce Ulva can tolerate a high circular flow without getting tumbled down and can tolerate ample exposure to low and very high light levels. This Sea Lettuce Ulva is a favorite appetite stimulant for most of the herbivorous animals. Sea Lettuce Ulva prefers to live in nutrient-rich water. 

Really large handfuls of everything. I wasn't really sure what to expect since it was my first time getting into some of these items. The clams were huge and I did have to share them with a friend since my tank is on the smaller side but sharing is caring right?! :)

Reviewed by: Paula on May 5, 2015

Great value and adds some color to the tank.

Reviewed by: Salvatore Cugno on Feb. 20, 2015

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