Cardinals For Sale

Cardinals are popular as they are easy to care for and stay relatively small.  They do well in a coral reef or rock reef environment.  Cardinals are commonly seen in large groups which protects them as they give the illusion of one big fish.  They are very docile and friendly, making them a great community fish.  Cardinals will eat most prepared foods as well as meaty seafoods.  They are easily a favorite as they dominate the top waters and tend …

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Orange Stripe Cardinal

Ostorhinchus properuptus

Sale Orange Stripe Cardinal

Red-Stripe Cardinal

Ostorhinchus margaritophorus

Sale Red-Stripe Cardinal

Ruby Flame Cardinal

Fowleria flammea

Sale Ruby Flame Cardinal

Orange-Line Cardinal

Ostorhinchus properuptus

Sale Orange-Line Cardinal

Red Stop Light Cardinal

Apogonichthys hyalinus

Sale Red Stop Light Cardinal

Yellow Tail Cardinal

Apogon sp.

Sale Yellow Tail Cardinal

Flame Cardinal

Apogon pseudomaculatus

Sale Flame Cardinal

Red Belted Cardinal

Apogon townsendi

Sale Red Belted Cardinal

Tailspot Cardinal

Apogon dovii

Sale Tailspot Cardinal

Black Cardinal

Apogonichthyoides melas

Sale Black Cardinal

Blue Eye Cardinal

Apogon sp. Philippines

Sale Blue Eye Cardinal

Orbiculate Cardinal

Sphaeramia orbicularis

Sale Orbiculate Cardinal

Red Spot Glass Cardinal

Apogon parvulus

Sale Red Spot Glass Cardinal

Ring-Tailed Cardinal

Ostorhinchus aureus

Sale Ring-Tailed Cardinal

Yellow Cardinal

Ostorhinchus luteus

Sale Yellow Cardinal

Brassy Cardinal

Ostorhinchus flavus

Sale Brassy Cardinal

Red Tail Cardinal

Apogon sp. Philippines

Sale Red Tail Cardinal

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