Blue Neon Goby (Elactinus oceanops)

An Expert Review of the Blue Neon Goby (Elactinus oceanops)

As an aquarist, I've had the pleasure of hosting a variety of marine life in my tanks over the years. But few have captured my attention quite like the Blue Neon Goby (Elactinus oceanops). This stunning creature, with its brilliant neon blue stripe contrasting against its dark body, is a visual spectacle that never fails to captivate me and my guests.

I remember the first time I introduced a pair of these gobies into my saltwater tank. Their vibrant colors immediately stood out, adding a new dynamic to the underwater landscape. It was fascinating to watch them explore their new environment, their neon stripes shimmering under the tank lights.

What makes the Blue Neon Goby even more appealing, especially for novice aquarists like I was when I first got them, is their relatively straightforward care requirements. They're hardy creatures that adapt well to a variety of tank conditions. I found that as long as I maintained the water quality and provided them with a balanced diet, they thrived.

Here now my complete review of the Neon Goby (Elactinus oceanops).

Gets a 5 star review, lets see why...

Visual Appeal and Distinctiveness

Small but mighty, the Blue Neon Goby offers vibrant hues that are sure to captivate any aquarium enthusiast. Their dark blue body contrasted by a brilliant neon blue stripe running from nose to tail creates an electric visual display. Though they only reach a maximum size of about 2 inches, their intense colors make them stand out in any aquatic setting.

Blue Neon Goby courtesy of available for sale here.

Care and Maintenance

Blue Neon Gobies are relatively easy to care for, making them an excellent choice for novice and seasoned aquarists alike. They are highly adaptable and can tolerate a range of water conditions, though they prefer temperatures between 72-78°F and a pH level between 8.1-8.4. Their diet is primarily carnivorous, favoring small crustaceans and parasites, often including the ones off their tankmates' skin, serving as a natural cleaner fish in your aquarium.

Behavior and Compatibility

These gobies are peaceful tank members and can coexist with a variety of other species without issue. In fact, their natural cleaning behavior can benefit their tankmates by reducing parasites. However, they can be territorial with their own kind, so it's best to keep them in pairs only if the tank is large enough.

Evolution in the Hobby

The popularity of the Blue Neon Goby has been consistent due to its vibrant colors, beneficial cleaning behaviors, and relatively easy care requirements. They have been a beloved addition to marine aquariums for years, providing both aesthetic appeal and practical benefits.

Captive-Bred Options

When considering adding a Blue Neon Goby to your tank, it's worth noting that there are reputable sources for captive-bred options, most notably ORA (Oceans, Reefs & Aquariums). ORA is renowned for their sustainable aquaculture practices and their commitment to providing high-quality marine species to the hobby.

Choosing captive-bred fish like the Blue Neon Goby from ORA offers numerous advantages. These gobies are usually hardier, being bred and raised in conditions similar to home aquariums, which makes them more likely to acclimate and thrive in your tank. Plus, purchasing captive-bred fish helps alleviate the demand for wild-caught specimens, contributing to the conservation of natural reef ecosystems.

ORA's Blue Neon Gobies are readily available through various online retailers and local fish stores, providing a sustainable and ethically responsible choice for aquarists. You can visit ORA's website directly for more information on their practices and a list of retailers that stock their fish.

ORA Captive Bred Blue Neon Goby Available At
ORA Captive Bred Blue Neon Goby Available at

Pros and Cons

Pros of the Blue Neon Goby (Elactinus oceanops)

  • Vibrant Colors: The Blue Neon Goby is a stunning creature, boasting a brilliant neon blue stripe that provides a dazzling contrast against its dark body. This makes it a visually appealing addition to any saltwater tank.
  • Easy Care: Their care requirements are relatively straightforward, making them suitable for both novice and seasoned aquarists.
  • Beneficial Behavior: These gobies serve as natural cleaner fish in your aquarium, feeding on parasites that can be harmful to their tankmates. This cleaning behavior can contribute to a healthier overall environment.
  • Compatibility: The Blue Neon Goby is generally peaceful and coexists well with a variety of other species, making it an easy addition to most community tanks.
  • Captive-Bred Options: Sustainable, captive-bred options are available from reputable sources such as ORA (Oceans, Reefs & Aquariums), which offers benefits for both the aquarist and conservation efforts.

Cons of the Blue Neon Goby (Elactinus oceanops)

  • Size: Due to their small size (around 2 inches maximum), Blue Neon Gobies can be overlooked in larger tanks with larger or more dominant species.
  • Territoriality: While they are generally peaceful, these gobies can be territorial with their own kind, which means they're best kept individually or in pairs in larger tanks.
  • Hideaways Needed: Blue Neon Gobies enjoy having plenty of hideaways. This means that the tank should be well-decorated with caves and crevices, which may require additional time and investment.

Price and Availability

The Blue Neon Goby is commonly available and relatively affordable, typically costing between $26.99 to $39.99 depending on the retailer. You can often find them at marine aquarium retailers like,, among others.


In conclusion, the Blue Neon Goby gets a 5 star review! It's a visually striking, easy-to-care-for, and beneficial addition to any saltwater aquarium. Its natural cleaning behavior is a welcome plus, while its electric-blue stripe adds a pop of color that's hard to miss. Despite its small size, this Goby makes a big impact, making it well worth the investment for both newcomers and experienced aquarists.

For more aquarium-related tips and species profiles, feel free to check out more articles Remember, a successful aquarium is always rooted in education, patience, proper care and maintenance.

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