Blacktail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish

Centropyge flavissima x vroliki

(1 Reviews)

Blacktail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish
Blending vibrant yellow with sleek black, The Lemonpeel x Half Black Angelfish is a hybrid angel is a showstopper in any tank. Easy to care for, with a peaceful nature, it's perfect for adding a pop of color and rarity to your reef setup.

Blacktail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish

Centropyge flavissima x vroliki

(1 Reviews)

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Blacktail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish Care Facts

Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Diet: Omnivore
Reef Safe: Yes -With Caution
Minimum Tank Size: 70 gallons
Max Size: 5 inches
The Blacktail Lemonpeel Angel, Centropyge Centropyge flavissima x vrolikii, is a cross between a Lemonpeel and a Halfblack Angelfish. Showcasing a great deal in coloration, this Angelfish could display mutual traits of the Lemonpeel Angelfish and the Halfblack Angelfish, but the tail is always black (however coloration in black may vary) or rear section of the body features colorful blue dots. The sheer vibrancy in colors reasons for its paramount importance in aquarium trade. 

Like many other Angelfish, the Halfblack Lemonpeel is not reef safe, as they tend to bite small-polyped stony corals and clam mantles. It is also advised to not keep more than one Angelfish in the same system. Diet should include a variety of options consisting of spirulina, marine algae, angelfish preperations, mysis and brine shrimp, 3 time daily.

Keeping the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish (Centropyge flavissima x vroliki) in Your Saltwater Aquarium

The BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish, a cross between the Centropyge flavissima and Centropyge vrolicki species, is an intriguing and visually captivating addition to your saltwater aquarium. This detailed guide will provide essential information for those interested in keeping this unique hybrid angelfish. We will cover various aspects of their care, including habitat, reef compatibility, size, lifespan, diet in captivity, aquaculture availability, compatibility with other marine species, sexual dimorphism, juvenile to adult coloration changes, temperament, detailed tank requirements, and precise water conditions. Additionally, we will list common names for this hybrid species and explain why choosing the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish from is a wise decision.

Habitat and Natural Range of the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish

As a hybrid species, the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish is not found in the wild. Instead, it is selectively bred in captivity. Its parent species, Centropyge flavissimus, and Centropyge vrolicki, originate from the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in coral-rich environments, coral reefs, and rocky formations. Understanding its parent species' natural habitats can help provide a suitable environment for the hybrid in captivity.

Reef Compatibility of the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish

Like its parent species, the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish is generally considered reef-safe. However, it's important to note that individual fish may have varying temperaments, and some may occasionally nip at specific types of corals or invertebrates. To minimize potential issues, carefully monitor their behavior when introducing them into a reef tank and ensure ample hiding places.

Life Expectancy and Size of the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish

The BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish typically reaches a size of around 4 to 5 inches (10 to 13 centimeters) in captivity. They can have a lifespan of 5 to 7 years with proper care, providing aquarists with several years of enjoyment and observation.

What To Feed the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish in Captivity

To ensure the health and vibrancy of your BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish, provide a balanced diet that mirrors their natural feeding habits. Offer the following foods as part of their daily diet:

  • High-Quality Marine Pellets: These can serve as a staple in their diet and are specifically formulated for omnivorous marine fish.
  • Frozen and Fresh Foods: Supplement their diet with various frozen and fresh offerings, including brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, and enriched frozen preparations.
  • Vegetable Matter: Like their parent species, these hybrid angelfish can benefit from marine algae and plant matter, such as seaweed sheets or clips. This provides essential nutrients and helps maintain their overall health.

Aquaculture and Availability of the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish

The availability of BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish through aquaculture may vary, but they are occasionally available to hobbyists. Supporting responsible and sustainable practices in the aquarium trade is essential, and choosing reputable suppliers like ensures that you receive healthy and ethically sourced specimens.

Compatibility of the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish with Other Fish and Invertebrates

BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish are generally peaceful and can coexist with various tankmates, provided the tank is appropriately sized and no significant competition for territory. Here are five compatible tankmates:

  • Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto): These small, vibrant fish are generally compatible with the hybrid angelfish and add color to your aquarium.
  • Firefish Goby (Nemateleotris spp.): Firefish gobies are known for their striking colors and peaceful disposition, making them suitable tankmates.
  • Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata spp.): Cleaner shrimp are reef-safe and can serve as useful tank cleaners and interesting additions to your aquarium.
  • Clownfish (Amphiprion spp.): Clownfish are known for their peaceful nature and can be suitable companions for BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish.
  • Yellow Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus): These gobies form symbiotic relationships with pistol shrimp and can add an intriguing dynamic to your tank.

Sexual Dimorphism of the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish

BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish do not exhibit prominent sexual dimorphism, making it challenging to distinguish between males and females visually.

Juvenile to Adult Coloration Changes

The coloration of the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish is a fascinating aspect of its care. Juvenile individuals tend to exhibit a bright lemon-yellow body coloration with blue accents near the eyes and dorsal fin. Their coloration may evolve as they mature into adults, often resulting in a more vibrant and striking appearance. This transformation creates an ever-changing and visually captivating spectacle in your aquarium.

Tank Requirements for the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish

To create an ideal environment for your BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish, adhere to the following tank requirements:

  • Minimum Aquarium Size: A tank with a capacity of at least 30 gallons (114 liters) is recommended for a single BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish. Larger tanks are even more suitable and provide additional swimming space.
  • Filtration: Utilize a quality protein skimmer and efficient biological filtration to maintain water quality.
  • Live Rock: Incorporate live rock structures and caves to offer hiding spots and a natural foraging environment.
  • Water Temperature: Maintain a stable water temperature between 72°F and 78°F (22°C to 26°C).
  • pH: Keep the pH level within the range of 8.1 to 8.4.
  • Salinity: Maintain a salinity level of 1.020 to 1.025.

Ideal Water Conditions for the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish

To ensure the health and well-being of your BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish, pay meticulous attention to water conditions:

  • pH: Maintain a pH between 8.1 and 8.4 to create a stable and suitable environment for your fish.
  • Salinity: Keep the salinity within the range of 1.020 to 1.025. Consistency is vital in preventing stress and health issues.
  • Water Temperature: Maintain a stable water temperature between 72°F and 78°F (22°C to 26°C) to mimic their natural habitat.
  • Water Flow: Moderate water flow is ideal, simulating the natural reef environment.

List of Common Names for the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish

The BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish is known by various common names, including the Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish and the Blacktail Lemonpeel Angel.

Why Choose the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish from

When considering the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish for your saltwater aquarium, sourcing your fish from reputable suppliers like is prudent. Our commitment to ethical and sustainable practices ensures that you receive healthy and vibrant specimens that have been cared for diligently. By choosing the BlackTail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish from, you are adding a visually captivating fish to your aquarium and supporting responsible practices in the marine aquarium hobby.

I had never purchased fish for my aquarium on line before and I was thrilled when the Blacktail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish arrived and very healthy.

Reviewed by: Susan Miller on Sept. 11, 2021

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