Elegance Coral
Catalaphyllia jardinei
(3 Reviews)

Elegance Coral
Catalaphyllia jardinei
(3 Reviews)
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Elegance Coral Care Facts
Care Level: | Moderate |
Temperament: | Peaceful |
Diet: | Filter Feeder |
Reef Safe: | Yes |
Minimum Tank Size: | 50 Gallons |
Max Size: | |
Lighting: | Moderate to High |
Placement: | Bottom |
Waterflow: | Low to Moderate |
Let me say this WoW wasn't expecting such a big piece it's became a center piece in my tank fully open it's over 16 inches
Reviewed by: John Ackerman on June 28, 2015
The coral arrived a little over a week ago. After temperature acclimation I placed the coral with the skeleton embedded in the substrate, as is suggested with this species. At this time the coral was fully retracted. Almost immediately though the Elegance coral started expanding and actively closed tentacles around food and ate after about 3 hours. This is the most beautiful coral, the size after inflating fully is astonishing. Under the actinics the florescence is spectacular! Highly recommended.
Reviewed by: Rob Little on June 5, 2015
Beautiful. I had one before (bought elsewhere) that started dying after a week. Indo-elegance are known for that. This one arrived looking very healthy with great color (blue tips!) . After a day to settle I tried to feed it with little to no response. I did a lot of research since the last one I purchased and decided to take early action. I treated the whole tank (75g) with Pimafix and Malefix at recommended dose. - I am in no way affiliated with whoever makes this stuff. Everything was pissed at first, but nothing died and some things look better. Fish look great. Crabs/shrimp/snails are fine. After 6 days of treatment the elegance (named Frilly Taco by the wife) looks great and is expanding fully. It actually stung a coral it had been brushing up against the whole time which is sad, but a good sign as the nemosites are the first thing to go when they're sick. I fed each of its 3 mouths a piece of scallop and it took it right away. It may not have been sick at all but I didn't want to risk losing this beauty. I wanted to share this with anyone having second thoughts about the infamous Indo-elegance. I hope to have this guy for years.
Reviewed by: Chris Creasey on July 22, 2014