LPS For Sale

LPS are large polyp stony corals that grow larger polyps on a calcareous skeleton. They can be found in a variety of unique colors, shapes and sizes, usually found as either plate like, or branching corals. All LPS corals have a hard or stony skeleton created by aragonite, and often formed into cup-shaped structures called corallites, and is covered by a thin layer of tissue called the coenosarc. The foot of the polyps then grow from the coenosarc on these … Read more

Scoly:Colored - Australia Aquacultured

Scolymia australis

Sale Scoly:Colored - Australia Aquacultured

Scolymia Orange

Scolymia vitensis

Sale Scolymia Orange

Spiny Cup Lactuca Pectinia Coral: Green - Aquacultured

Pectinia Lactuca

Sale Spiny Cup Lactuca Pectinia Coral: Green - Aquacultured

Spiny Cup Pectinia Coral: Green

Pectinia sp.

Sale Spiny Cup Pectinia Coral: Green

Stylocoeniella : Close Encounter - Aquacultured

Styloceniella armatus

Sale Stylocoeniella : Close Encounter - Aquacultured

Stylocoeniella : Electric Daisy

Styloceniella sp.

Sale Stylocoeniella : Electric Daisy

Acan Echinata: Orange w/ Red Eye - Australia Aquacultured

Acanthastrea echinata

Sale Acan Echinata: Orange w/ Red Eye - Australia Aquacultured

Red Button Coral

Cynarina lacrymalis

Sale Red Button Coral

Solitary Cup Coral - Australia

Balanophyllia sp.

Sale Solitary Cup Coral - Australia

Blasto Wellsi : Red / Green - Aquacultured

Blastomussa Wellsi

Sale Blasto Wellsi : Red / Green - Aquacultured

Galaxea Coral: Seaside - Caribbean

Galaxea fascicularis

Sale Galaxea Coral: Seaside - Caribbean

Goniopora Coral: Laffy Taffy - Caribbean

Goniopora sp.

Sale Goniopora Coral: Laffy Taffy - Caribbean

Lobophyllia Brain Coral: Green

Lobophyllia sp.

Sale Lobophyllia Brain Coral: Green

Lobophyllia Brain Coral: Green - Aquacultured

Lobophyllia sp.

Sale Lobophyllia Brain Coral: Green - Aquacultured

Brain Coral - Green

Trachyphyllia geoffroyi

Sale Brain Coral - Green

Brain Coral Folded : Green- Fiji

Trachyphyllia geoffroyi

Sale Brain Coral Folded : Green- Fiji

Platygyra Brain Coral: Super

Platygyra sp.

Sale Platygyra Brain Coral: Super

Doughnut (Button) Coral: Green

Acanthophyllia deshayesiana

Sale Doughnut (Button) Coral: Green

Elegance Coral

Catalaphyllia jardinei

Sale Elegance Coral

Fox Coral

Pleurogyra turbida

Sale Fox Coral

Blasto Coral

Blastomussa wellsi

Sale Blasto Coral

Fungia Plate Coral

Fungia sp.

Sale Fungia Plate Coral

Sun Coral (Tubastrea): Black

Tubastrea micracantha

Sale Sun Coral (Tubastrea): Black

Alveopora Coral - Eastern Asia

Alveopora sp.

Sale Alveopora Coral - Eastern Asia

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