Stylocoeniella : Electric Daisy

Styloceniella sp.

(0 Reviews)

Stylocoeniella : Electric Daisy

Stylocoeniella : Electric Daisy

Styloceniella sp.

(0 Reviews)

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Stylocoeniella : Electric Daisy Care Facts

Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Filter Feeder
Reef Safe: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 50 Gallons
Max Size:
Lighting: Moderate
Placement: Bottom
Waterflow: Moderate

Stylocoeniella (Styloceniella armatus) comes in different colors and is a species of encrusting corals with medium length polyps. Stylocoeniella Corals are best kept in tanks with medium lighting, moderate waterflow, and are best placed towards the bottom of the tank. Like most corals, they will benefit from supplemental feeding of algaes or meaty foods. Overall, they are a hardy and peaceful coral that is good for most reef tanks.

The Electric Daisy Stylocoeniella has a bright red base with yellow/green polyps.

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